Google gives tribute to northeast Indian singer and filmmaker Dr. Bhupen Hazarika with a doodle of playing harmonium

Dr. Bhupen Hazarika, an Assamese personality, got a tribute from Google on his 96th birthday celebration and became the first Indian singer to get a tribute from Google.

He is one of the most famous Indian singers, a Filmmaker, and a composer. He was the face of Assamese culture and folk music at that time.

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Dr. Bhupen Hazarika created hundreds of songs for Assamese movies and also became the maker of plenty of Assamese movies too.

Dr. Bhupen Hazarika with a doodle playing harmonium:-

He had served 6 decades popularizing Assamese culture and folk music globally and got some of the most prestigious awards in the country like the Sangeet Natak Akademi Award, Padma Shri, The Dadasaheb Phalke Award, Padma Bhushan

He was also recognized with the highest honor award of India “The Bharat Ratna” in the year 2019 at the hands of the Indian president.

He is recognized as the personality who introduced Assamese culture and folk music to the world through cinema.

He is also recognized as a northeast Indian who became one of India’s leading social-cultural reformers. Born on 2nd September 1926 in Nilakanta and Shantipriya Hazarika in Sadiya. He belongs to Assam.

He also became a political personality in Assam from 1967-72 under which he was a member of the legislative assembly. He was known as “Sudhakantha” for his precious contribution to Assam.

A Mumbai-based guest artist named Rutuja Mali introduced a doddle that shows the scenario of Bhuthe pen Hazarika playing the Harmonium.

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